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Notice on Master’s/Doctoral Dissertation Archiving
Date:2016-09-06 Clicks:

With the increasing stability and continuous improvement of the Graduate Information Management System, since Jun 2015, students applying for Master or Ph. D degrees are no longer required to provide CDs with their dissertations. Instead, the electronic version uploaded through the Graduate Information Management System will be used. Nonetheless, Ph. D. Degree applicants are required to submit a hard copy of their dissertations to the Graduate Affairs Office of their School/Department, and the hard copy should be consistent with the electronic one uploaded. 

The degree applicant should submit his/her dissertation and related application documents once passing the thesis defense. If revision of the dissertation is needed, the documents can be submitted within 30 days after the defense. Late submission will not be accepted. 

Confidential theses are still archived off-lined, as usual. The unified dissertation cover for dissertation bookbinding can be obtained from the Graduate Affairs Office of the respective Schools/Department. 

The review of graduation and degree applications cannot be processed unless archiving of the dissertation has been completed. If you have further concern, please contact the Degree Affairs Office of the Graduate School:dlu@sjtu.edu.cn, 021-34206359.

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