On December 2ndand 3rd, 2020, the 22ndCross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology (CSS-EEST) was held online. CSS-EEST is part of the Campus Asia program jointly carried out by Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Kyushu University (KU), and Pusan National University (PNU). The 22ndsymposium was hosted online due to the pandemic by KU, inviting over 20 professors and 70 postgraduate students from the three universities to take part and give lectures and presentations.
CSS-EEST serves as an ideal platform for master’s and doctoral students from the three universities to present scientific findings and exchange views on their research as well as other topics of mutual interest. The symposium enhances mutual trust, understanding and friendship among students of the three countries. Educational cooperation and people-to-people exchange among universities of China, Japan and Korea is highly pushed forward through the platform. On the 22ndCSS-EEST, a total of 67 students gave oral presentations, fourteen of which won best presentation awards.

Campus Asia was the very first tripartite national program focusing on exchange and joint training in higher education initiated by the three national governments of China, Japan and Korea. SJTU, KU and PNU have successfully co-organized numerous seminars and summer schools for master students as well as symposia for both PhD and master students, and jointly graduated over 200 double degree students.